My Thoughts On
Ealdormere War Practice '99
'Twas my first visit to this place.
What a lovely little site. Trees, hardly any earwigs, permanent structures.
We arrived on Thursday afternoon and pitched camp in between bouts of rain. Nothing extreme but disappointing. Once camp was set up everything calmed down and we set about relaxing. A nice early evening and off to bed.
Friday marked another warm but breezy laid back day. I was awaiting the arrival of my love that evening and enjoyed the peace and quiet as well as meeting many new faces and re-acquainting myself with others. Unfortunately I ended up with a killer headache after falling asleep in a friends hammock and required some tylenol to rid myself of it.
Upon the arrival of my love and other friends I rose from the tent, headache free and waited for them to set up. It was a fairly early night with some good conversation and joking...nothing new there.
Then came Saturday. Oh what a day! Terrance the Cowardly went to try and authorize in the use of the Great Sword and was successful. Once again deserving of our congratulations. We are expecting good things from him in the future as well. He went on to fight in the 'Newbie Tourney' but was eliminated fairly quickly from it. Still he has gained some valuable experience.
After the many rounds of fighting, friends and the like joined Lady Melusine in her 'aquaduct' and proceeded to be cooled off and relatively loud and silly. Lord Evander bailed on us to attend court fairly early..(Reminder to self..must get him bigger towel)....
Shortly after his leaving us, Baroness Adrielle was by to inform us that the court of Their Excellencies, the Baron and Baroness of Septentria, were about to hold court. Lady Melusine decided we would all attend, soaked to the skin as we were. (Being her Birthday weekend, it was no use arguing with her.) So off we went.
To our surprise...well...some of us...Terrance was called before Their Excellencies to recieve a gift. It was a Tabbard for authorizing at Murder Melee and if I heard correctly, the very one once given to His Excellency for the same reason. Poor Terrance, not only sopping wet from the aquaduct wars earlier, also presented himself to Their Excellecies with his tunic on backwards. A fitting start for this rag tag group methinks.
For 'Siggy the Sopping' it was an uncomfortable court as well..although I believe he was tickled at recieving his Award of Merit. Congratulations goes out to him as they do to everyone who recieved regongnition that day.
After court we returned to our 'aquaduct' for more non-medieval-fun-and-games with water bombs and squirt guns when suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere (despite Isaiah's attempts to warn us), came the siege. Water guns filled with VERY cold water were fired from all directions. Later both our attackers and some of our own teamed up and went after a couple members of the Chivalry with the intent to soak them to the bones..and were ultimately succesful.
Upon finding the air chilly we decided to leave the 'aquaduct' and seek warm clothing and food. During this time I discovered that Lord Evander had taken second in the torchlight battle.
After filling my stomach with a good dinner and changing into less see-through clothing...(you'd think a fairly dark blue tunic would be safe but OH NO.)...I crawled into the hammock with Isaiah for some cuddles and relaxation. A most memorable and wonderful experience. Right up until Daffyd decided to waylay my captain with a super soaker that was left in the pool for awhile. After much laughter and water we left the hammock and began socializing with our friends once more.
Lady Melusine began her offical birthday celebrations and eventually went visiting. She returned for a while, purloined some marshmallows to roast and was off once more.
We located her nearby and availed ourselves of what was left of the marshmallows and ended up joining a rather intense mundanian conversation concerning Star Trek. Rain began to fall so we moved our conversation down the the structure by Troll to finish it. It was getting quite late and I was beginning to wonder if bed would be a good idea when we were blessed with the company of Tempus The Storyteller...and what a story he told.
I would not dare do him the injustice of trying to repeat it here suffice to say by the time it was over it was an hour to daybreak and most of us were laughing so hard our rib cages were hurting...none more so than our new found friend Connor(Collin Syme). To him all I can say is
'Breathe in.....breathe NUNS...'
Other events of interest that occured (in no particular order) were...
- Watching Her Excellency, Baroness of Septentria tackle Baroness Adrielle in the 'aquaduct'...
- Watching Lord Evander and Lady Melusine have a rather intesnse water fight...
- Playing 'flaming Jenga'...don't ask...
And of course generally having lots of fun!'
Journal Entries