My thoughts on
Murder Melee '99
NOTE: This entry has been revised (07/04/00). The original version was meant to reflect my rather odd sense of humour. Upon re-reading it, I decided that the humour I had aimed for seemed more like outright criticism and decided to rewrite this entry because of it.
'Egads!!! Attack of the Earwigs!!!!!
Not to mention several species of spider as yet to be identified....
Okay, I have been asked to cut some slack here due to the 'new site, new problems' philosophy. As for the event was wonderful.
It seems Murder Melee is cursed with not having use of existing swimming pools. Although it would've been nice to have it in use...Through all the annoyances I actually DID manage to have a great time.
Anyway, on to some interesting events that occured for our local mishmash of travellers...
Our first night was riddled with childish laughter and jest around the campfire. MOST of which is not printable in mixed company. Most stress relieving however.
The next day started with a lot of grumpy people not sleeping well due to the extreme temperature drop during the night. This was, however, a minor annoyance.
I spent all day shopping at Merchant row...stopping occasionally to go and view the fighters. How glorious it was! I walked away with many purchases that should prove useful, including a coveted leather bodice that I have wanted for some time....(RUN! HIDE!)
(Ooohh! Bad pun!)
Our travel companions seemed to have cleaned up at the silent auction. Our ambitious friends walked away with the matching garb set (Evander and Melusine), the adult viking chair (Cameron MacGreggor), two of the child sized viking chairs (Anastasia the Quiet), and some trim (myself).
(My pardons if I have forgotten someone, my memory is NOT what it used to be...)
One of our Shire's men authorized at this event. Congratulations go to Terrance The Cowardly!!!!! We now have a total of...
...TWO... (!)
...authorized fighters! He boasts his first kill during the woods battle!
A very...eventful... event.'
Journal Entries