My Thoughts On
Spring Crown Tourney 2000

' A most interesting experience. Twas my first Crown Tourney witnessed in the Kingdom of Ealdormere. Many fighters had the honour of competing to be the heirs tot he throne.

Alas, our local hopeful, THL Eavnder MacLaghlan was not a winner in this tourney although as always he fought to the end. I have no doubts that it won't be long before he takes his place upon the noble thrones of this great Kingdom. That shall be a day for all of us in Bastille Du Lac to rejoice and say '' WE TOLD YOU SO ''.

The tournament was fierce with Ealdormere's finest. I very much enjoyed, for once, watching them display their prowess on the field of honour. Congratulations go to Berus................sorry............... HRH Berus................for winning the day.

But all was not fighting for this weary traveller. I managed to make some wonderful purchases that day including a musical disc, a ''pearl'' necklace and my long sought after Thor's Hammer. What a wonderful Lord I have indeed to spoil me so!'

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