My Thoughts On
Pikeman's Pleasure 2000
' I missed a large portion of this day due to a comedy of errors. Allow me to explain. Llwyd of Gordon was transporting me and my son to the event but ran into some unfortunate difficulties (and he's STILL apologizing.....). Since the rest of my crew had gone on, and I had all the feast gear, I booked passage with friends who were leaving later in the day. They were kind enough to make arrangements to get us there (my thanks goes out to them and the two friends who went with them for the sacrifices they made that day to do so...not bad form for newbies... ). To make a long story short I arrived over three hours late with a hyper kid from all the waiting and excitment.
Shortly after arriving I found my crew had the foresight to pay for our site and feast ahead of time and after changing and settling up I went to watch the last of the fighting. I did manage to get some pictures which I hope to have up in the next few weeks.
My Captain's son, Jonathan The Fox, won the duck race! He was called up into court and even remembered to bow for their majesties (amidst a barrage of 'ahh's'..understandably). We were so proud of him ;)
Feast, as always, was excellent. Such has become the standard of this anual event I think. Wassail to the Kitchen staff and servers! Unfortunately, my picky kid, was reluctant to try alot of the food. Still, I was proud of the effort he made to stay in control the whole evening, for an ADHD kid, that's a task and a half. He responds to the camping events much better so we are hopeful that next year he will be able to attend those instead.
We left shortly after feast with a different set of friends and I was privvy to having my two favourite boys curl up on me and sleep all the way home.....after the smell diminished from hitting a skunk that is.'
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