My Thoughts On
Berus' Bar
Baroom Brawl II

' A wonderful day. Delfi Lalonde and I set out together to attend this gathering, alone. The. First thing we women did after changing was to check out the Merchants, of course. We were pleased to find our usual favourites and many splendors indeed to behold. There were bards playing for us while we shopped which added to a wonderful fair like atmosphere.
Soon after we drifted towards the Tavern and beheld a great spectacle of fighting and feasting. We ordered our meals and sat at Lady Melusine's table. The food I daresay was excellent and very reasonably priced.
I truly enjoyed the floor show of fighters, fencers and free-for-all boffers. An unusual occurance for me, not being the fighting type (!). Everywhere we looked people were laughing and having a great time. I think my favourite had to be a rather young lad taking up a tiny boffer sword and beating on the days host (Berus) with it. Delfi took some pictures which I dearly hope turn out well.
We drifted between the Tavern and the Merchants most of the day, and met some wonderful new people.
Just before leaving, we were able to view a wonderful play being put on in the merchants area. A wonderful story, great impromptu acting and many laughs were to be had. A wonderful way to close what I found to be a very relaxing and comfortable day. Usually I feel very stif and unsure of myself in the large gatherings, afraid to unintentionaly offend as is my habit (Isaiah's still working on my courtly manners). But for once I did not feel as awkward. I am unsure as to whether that is because I am getting to know more people or just a sign that I may finally have found a home here in Ealdormere. :)'

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